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Tabor Family Your family are in our thoughts and prayers July 28, 2010
I did not know Jesse, but he gave the greatest sacrifice anyone could give.  He gave his life saving another, he may have been just doing his job but we all thank him for what he has given each of us everyday. Our Freedom truly isn't free and our family thanks him and the all of the men and women who fight to protect our freedom every day.  Please know that you are in our thoughts and prayers, and may God watch over you in you time of deep sadness. Jesse will never be forgotten as his memory will live on in all of our hearts. 
Kelly Shearburn Praying for your Strength July 27, 2010

I have just spent the last nine days helping my best friend prepare for the homecoming and burial of her son also serving in the Army.  My heart breaks for your family.  I hope that you find peace, comfort and strength in the support you recieve at this time.  Your son is a true American Hero and his sacrifice will not be forgotten.   May God Bless you and hold you close at this time.

Marilyn Riley To Julie from on old friend July 27, 2010

Julie, my heart aches for your loss of Jesse.  I still think of him as the little boy you used to bring to fundraisers.  I cannot even begin to imagine your pain but you are in my thoughts and prayers.  I am too old now to stand in line at the funeral home bui I will be with you in spirit.  I appreciate so much the sacrifice Jesse made for all of us and your sacrifice as well.  I will be in touch with you after you go back to work.  I want to hug you and tell you I love you and wish I could take some of your pain.

May God give you comfort and peace.

Cammy Scherer Kinstedt Visiting from Albuquerque July 27, 2010
During a visit to my father in Decatur, we drove down through the streets lined with flags in Longcreek. I asked my dad, "what are the flags for?" He told me they were to honor a young man who gave his life in the very best way that he could, protecting his country and aiding his fellow man. As a Vietnam Veteran myself I know from where he speaks. But as a mother, it does not ease the pain of the loss of your son and your grandson. In this respect, you will have my enduring prayers for your sacrifice to this great nation. I for myself, would like to say thank you, though I know that does little to ease the pain. God Bless and keep you all.
Matt & Laura Doss God's Blessing and Peace for You July 27, 2010
We wish we could take away some of your pain, but that's not possible.  Know that we are thinking and praying for you all, not just the family but your community as well.  We are from Jacksonville, and we just buried a fallen soldier as well (SSG Matthew Weikert).  Know that God has a plan, and know that we are thinking of not just the Tilton family but the community as well.  Bless you all!  We're grateful for Jesse's sacrifice, as well as the sacrifice from his family.
Dan Caulkins 509th Airborne July 27, 2010
There is no higher calling than serving your country. There is no better person than one who gives his life to save another's. I know if Jessie was able to speak to us today, he say he was just doing his job, doing what he trained to do, what he lived his life for. We owe our freedom to the efforts of your son and all of those who defend our country. He is a true hero and will be remembered as such for all of eternity. May God bless Jessie with everlasting peace. You and your family, and men and women who protect our country are in our prayers every day.
Mindy Damery Former Navy Corpsman July 27, 2010
While I did not know Sgt. Tilton, I know what it is like to serve others. I hope as his family - you find peace in knowing that he died a true hero. As a Medic you only think about caring for the fallen soldier(s). Even without knowing him I can tell you he died doing something he loved. Never met a medic who didn't. Jesse gave it his all and paid the ultimate sacrifice. I am sure there are many soldiers who were blessed to have him care for them throughout his tours. My deepest sympathy for your family. May you find comfort in God. Rest in peace Sgt Tilton. You are the ultimate hero!!!
William Moore Mr. July 27, 2010


     God Bless you and you family during this time of grief.Jesse gave so very much of himself in order for use to live in Freedom and for us to enjoy our Freedom.I watched as the precession went by, and could not hold back the tears.Jesse will be always remembered as a Hero and God will now take care of him and his family.God Bless you  

Mary Cardascio Solemn Moment July 27, 2010

Dear Julie and Family,

Words can not express my deepest sympathy for your loss.  As I drove down Rt. 36 and Rt. 121 last evening my heart sank as I drove by each flag.  It was a very solemn moment for me.  I pray during this time of sorrow God will give you the fruits of his spirit and cover you with peace and love.

Eric Corman Family Friend July 27, 2010
We lost a true hero.  I didn't know Jesse but wish I had and simply want to say that I am not surpised one bit that a Tilton was so courageous.  Y'all are in my prayers.
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