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Heather Hardman(Walston)
Thank You, Jesse! You will be missed! You are a TRUE hero!
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Rose Connolly An American Hero August 21, 2010
In life and in death, Jessie led a great example to others. I thank him for all he has done. May he rest in Peace. I will never forget.
Dana Benton A TRUE HERO August 20, 2010

Julie,You raised an Awesome young man,and for now what you have to go through for the rest of your life,there are no words to help you through,I know how you are feeling and alls I can say is I'm here for you,Jesse was a Brave Soldier,He Gave His all,For Himself,and For His Country,I will always Keep You and your Family along with Jesse in my thoughts and Prayers as For A True Hero No One Will Forget,I Love You All, And May God Bless Jesse and His Family,He Is Your Gaurdian Angel Julie,and he will take Care of You,I Love You,and Will Miss Jesse To!!!

Dennis White---Decatur My heart goes out to the Family August 5, 2010
I don't posess the words to express the sorrow I feel for your family, but I know a true Hero has died for all of America's Freedom. Joined by those that have chosen to give their all for those of us they don't even know. Be assured that many of us true Americans will not forget the sacrifice he made for us.. Thank You Soldier!!!!  
Lisa Watterson Blue Star Mom July 29, 2010
I am truly sorry for the loss of your son, Jesse.  He is truly an American Hero.  My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.  As an Army Mom I know you have given the ultimate sacrifice, your son.  God will watch over him and he will watch over you.
Scott and Diana (Leigh) Hayes Proud July 29, 2010

Julie and Family,

   God gave you a wonderful gift that through these times you've shared with America. Jesse whom we never  had the privlage to meet sounds like the Pride and Joy of a Family and Community who's selfless

actions make us all proud. We haven't seen you much since school but as parents we feel so for all of you

the flags, as someone said just bring a since of Pride yet Great Loss for such a wonderful human being.

    God Bless You, Jesse is helping protect us all from a greater vantage point now. Our Hearts,Thoughts and Prayers are with you.


Scott and Diana (Leigh) Hayes

and Family  














Glenna Battlefield Before and After July 29, 2010

You see the light shining to yur right,

You don't know why but you know it's for you.

As you enter you're greeted by an amazing sight,

There stands your buddies that went before you.


Behind the soldiers is an awesome sight,

Can you really believe your eyes.

You stand and bask in God's brilliant light,

Filling the spacious skies.


"You were a brave soldier to the very end,

You fought hard and gave your all.

For your family and your friends,

You proudly answered you countries call."


"But there are battles still to be won,

Now we fight for the souls we can save.

Would you join your brothers till the job is done,

Battle side by side with the bravest of brave?"


You stand but a moment not sure what to do,

The you stoop down and kneel.

"Father, I'd be proud to fight for you,

On your heavenly battlefield."


This is just a portion of the poem I was inspired to write awhile back.  May it bring you comfort in this time of loss. 

Glenna Battlefield Before and After July 29, 2010

This is a portion of an original that I was inspired to write a few months ago.  I hope and pray it helps you.



Sandy Proud Army Mom July 29, 2010

I would first like to extend to you My deepest condolences for your son Jesse and to all of his frinds and family members! I can't even imagine what you are feeling. I also have a son named Jesse, andI saw that your Jesse was born on Dec 14. That is the day My son's father passed away when he was 12, from a brain tumor. He was also a Vietnam Vet! Anyway July 2nd my son Jesse, and 3 other soldiers  from the 101st Airborne, were attacked by 2 RPG's and small arms fire!  It was his 2nd deployment, but his first mission! He arrived there on June 19..So far he has had 11 surgeries , as well as 3 amputations to his right leg , and also alot of skin grafting to both legs!  He is now at Walter Reed!  And though I can't imagine what you are going through, I do feel your pain..My heart just aches for you, as my heart aches for my Jesse too! I pray that God  blesses you with much comfort ,strength, and peace in the difficult days, weeks, and months ahead!  I also pray that this horrible war will soon end, and that once again there will be peace in this world, so that all of soldiers can come home! My thoughts and prayers are with you, and your son has my most profound respect and gratitude for his service and selfless sacrifices to his country...HOOAH and God bless your hero soldier son!

Sincerely; Sandy 

Proud Army Mom of Sgt. Jesse J. Wallace (101st Airborne)

Kathy and James Lear An American Hero July 28, 2010
To the Tilton family, We are so sorry for your loss, words cannot describe what you must be feeling, but know that your son was an amazing man and is a true "HERO" for our country, he is everything it stands for and more. I didn't know him or your family, but he has touched our hearts. We will keep you in our thoughts and prayers, may God comfort you during these next few weeks. Jesse, may your rest in peace and know you are an American Hero. Much love n hugs to you all.
Judy Wilkerson Friend July 28, 2010
Julie, I am so sorry to hear of your loss.  I can only imagine what you must be going through, losing a child.  I don't know how to console you, but I do want you to know you are in our prayers.  So many feelings and so much pain, but also with all of that, you must be so proud of him.  I never met your son, but I had a picture of him in my mind from when you used to talk about him.  Bless you Julie and family.  Your old friends, Jim & Judy Wilkerson
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